All-Out Fight to Restore Net Neutrality
Last week FCC Chairman Pai went before a Senate oversight committee to explain why his agency lied to Congress about what it insisted was a cyberattack against its public-comment system during the Net Neutrality proceeding. It turns out the FCC’s claims were categorically false.
This is just the latest debacle in the shady history of the Trump FCC. Under Pai’s leadership, the agency has blatantly ignored public input and lied to Congress.
At Free Press Action, we’re doing everything in our power to fight this corrupt regime and undo the FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal. But time is tight: We have until the end of the year to get the House to overturn the FCC’s decision and restore the Net Neutrality protections.
Here’s how we’re fighting back against Pai and his anti-open internet agenda on the daily:
ICYMI: We’re suing the FCC! And our lawsuit is moving. We filed our brief this week and could see the FCC in court by the end of the year. And you’d better believe that we plan to give the agency hell for ending the Title II Net Neutrality rules.
Ever since we helped push the Senate to pass the CRA resolution to undo the FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal, it’s been all eyes on the House. So far, 177 reps have signed on to bring the same resolution to the floor there — but we need to get 41 more reps on board before the end of the year to force a vote. Here's what we've been up to:
We’ve pushed over 1,000 phone calls to the House this summer.
Over 100 of our members have committed to meet in person with their representatives — so they can hear directly from constituents why Net Neutrality matters.
We’ve organized three separate Net Neutrality rallies this summer alone.
We’ve asked our members to write letters to the editors of their local papers about the Net Neutrality CRA. So far 280 have been submitted!
We’ll be placing full-page ads in local papers across the country to remind key House members that their constituents want them to save Net Neutrality.
There are four Democratic House representatives from Texas who haven’t yet signed on to the CRA ... we’re putting up billboards in their districts urging them to sign on.
AND we’ve started a Net Neutrality viral-video contest. Check out the #callyourrep4thenet hashtag on Twitter or Facebook to see all of the awesome videos that have been submitted just in the last couple of days.
Long story short, it’s going to take all of this — and a lot more — to save Net Neutrality from Trump, Chairman Pai and their corporate cronies. We need all the help we can get ...
Will you help fuel the fight to save the open internet? Every little bit counts — a lot.