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The platforms’ failure to protect women, people of color, immigrants, religious minorities and the LGBTQIA+ community has allowed hate groups to recruit new followers, fund their operations and incite real-life violence.

Meanwhile, the platforms are failing to crack down on disinformation — disrupting free and fair elections, and making it harder to hold the powerful accountable. These companies also exploit internet users’ privacy and subject them to discriminatory algorithms — violating people’s civil and human rights.

Free Press is fighting for the policy and culture changes we need to hold Big Tech accountable.

Question and Answers


    What can the platforms do to crack down on hate?

    A: Free Press is co-leading the Change the Terms coalition, which developed model corporate policies designed to combat hateful activities. More than 60 groups have endorsed these policies, which we’re urging the platforms to adopt. Free Press Action is urging Congress to adopt comprehensive privacy legislation and stop tech giants from engaging in anti-competitive and abusive practices.

    But isn’t removing hateful content the same thing as censorship?

    A: No. The First Amendment doesn’t apply to the policies of private companies; it applies only to government actions. Companies can and should limit their role in spreading hate while protecting the free and open internet.

    Why is this a racial justice issue?

    A: The platforms have enabled white supremacists to organize while engaging in hate speech and harassing people of color. At the same time the platforms have removed posts from racial-justice activists. These companies profit from the use of our private data to enable and sometimes even participate in discrimination against people of color and other impacted communities.

Our Work on Platform Accountability

We’re co-leading the Change the Terms Coalition to disrupt online hate. We’re calling for a tax on targeted online ads to fund quality journalism that dispels misinformation. And we’re fighting for federal policies to protect online civil and privacy rights. Free Press co-led the #StopHateForProfit global advertiser boycott of Facebook that included more than 1,000 companies. We also participate in the Real Facebook Oversight Board, an independent brain trust established to respond to the critical threats posed by Facebook’s unchecked power.

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