Push Back Against Mitch McConnell's Tyranny to #SaveTheNet
Today is the one-year anniversary of the end of Net Neutrality protections.
We’ve been working hard ever since the Trump FCC’s repeal took effect to push Congress to restore those rules — and in April we celebrated the passage of the Save the Internet Act in the U.S. House. But the fight is currently at an impasse because of one person — and it’s not the usual orange-faced culprit.
We all know that Donald Trump dreams of authoritarian rule over the United States, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell may be the nation’s real dictator-in-chief.
The Save the Internet Act is on a long list of bills the House passed that McConnell has refused to bring before the Senate. He gleefully describes himself as a “grim reaper” for legislation, while millions of people across the country are facing violence, poverty and pain that these bills could help address.
From Kentucky to California, it’s time that people know the true cost of Mitch McConnell’s democracy-killing reign, and exactly which bills are dying on the desk of this pompous autocrat:
While gun violence continues to take the lives of people in schools, workplaces and houses of worship, Sen. McConnell and the Senate GOP are ignoring historic legislation the House passed in February that would broaden federal background checks for firearms purchases.
Every single year for the last 20 years, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D–Connecticut) has reintroduced the Paycheck Fairness Act. In April 2019, the measure gained fresh momentum when it passed the House with its highest vote tally ever. McConnell is refusing to move the bill forward.
The #MeToo and #TimesUp movement has raised awareness around sexual harassment, assault and other forms of gender injustice. But McConnell is also refusing to let senators consider the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, which would expand protections for survivors of domestic violence.
House lawmakers passed legislation for sweeping election reform, which is especially timely given that Russia is expected to tamper with the 2020 election. McConnell is blocking this bill too.
Threats to the open internet
At the center of our ability to take action on all of these issues is Net Neutrality, which allows us to organize, speak out and resist. But the McConnell GOP is blocking the Save the Internet Act, which would restore strong Net Neutrality rules that guarantee an equal playing field for all internet users.
Mitch McConnell’s autocracy is a travesty of injustice and privilege run amok. His GOP refuses to consider these measures and many more. Meanwhile, millions of people living in the United States find themselves without a working government to represent their needs and interests.
And with the failure of leadership in Congress — and at the FCC — the internet that has supercharged public involvement and resistance could soon devolve into a playground for profit-driven schemes from AT&T, Comcast and Verizon.
Big cable companies have worked hard to block the Save the Internet Act and similar legislation in states across the country. Right now, Mitch McConnell is delivering them the internet, gift-wrapped for them to carve up as they see fit. But not so fast — activists are rising up to say hands off our internet, and hands off our democracy.
In 2018, Free Press sued the FCC over its decision to destroy Net Neutrality, and we presented our oral arguments in the case in February. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit is expected to deliver its decision this summer. We’re also part of a coalition representing millions of people in the United States who are urging their senators to vote for the Save the Internet Act.
We won’t ever stop fighting for real Net Neutrality. We believe in government by the people and for the people.
Join us: Call 202-751-4622 and tell your senators to demand consideration of the Save the Internet Act and push back against the tyranny of Leader McConnell. Together we can #SaveTheNet.