A View from the Field: Fighting for Truth and Justice

A View from the Field is a biweekly feature that highlights the efforts of Free Press’ team of organizers, advocates and leaders. Every other Friday, we’ll provide their updates from the field as they work alongside our amazing allies and activists to create a more just and equitable media system.
- Co-CEO Jessica J. González gave a lecture at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. Her talk explored how free speech has never been free for people of color and women. Civil-rights leaders have faced loss of employment, harassment, threats and murder for speaking out against injustice. The rich and powerful have faced no such consequences, even when their speech has sought to dehumanize entire groups of people and legitimize pain and suffering. Jessica discussed what Free Press is doing to ensure the media serve truth and justice and hold the powerful accountable.
- News Voices: Philadelphia Project Manager Tauhid Chappell, Senior Director of Strategy and Engagement Joseph Torres and Vice President of Cultural Strategy Collette Watson appeared on News Voices: New Jersey Manager Vanessa Maria Graber’s PhillyCAM show People Power Lunch Hour. There they discussed Free Press’ Media 2070 project and the fight for media reparations. “In 2070 we want the transformation that we’re advocating for to be fully done, old hat, the harms and the old systems a distant memory,” Collette said. “ … 2070 is our vision of a world that’s never existed.”
- Tauhid and News Voices: Colorado Manager Diamond Hardiman served as panelists at the Media, Inequality and Change Center’s event “Abolition & Democracy: A Scholar-Activist Roundtable.” The two discussed Media 2070 and News Voices: Philadelphia’s work to reimagine how the city’s local newsrooms approach their coverage of crime, violence, and the carceral and criminal-justice systems.
- Diamond and Campaign Manager Madeleine Bair presented their final installment in a series of trainings at Colorado’s Equity Training Fellowship. They explored tactics for hosting transformative convenings, discussed ways that journalists and community members can collaborate and asked participants to share their visions for the future of journalism.
- Diamond presented at “Media Engagement at the Buell Public Media Center” on behalf of News Voices: Colorado. She and other Buell partners described their organizations’ work and shared opportunities for folks to engage with groups seeking to transform local news.