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Hear from two Black journalists who share their lived experiences of practicing reparative journalism.
Learn from three social-justice movements about ways to incorporate practices of repair into reporting.
Learn why it’s important to grapple with the journalism industry’s roots in anti-Black harm on the journey toward repair.
A “Buildings Matter, Too” headline sparked a media uprising in Philadelphia. Here’s how Free Press and allies have demanded change in the ensuing three years.
A conversation about newsroom equity, representation, and accountability with the Journalism Accountability Watchdog Network (J.A.W.N.) Coalition. (2022)
A Free Press guide focused on restorative-justice tools that journalists can use to address harmful practices.
We hope this Free Press guide reveals a new way of working, one that treats the other side of the “interview” as delicate, sacred and powerful.
A step-by-step guide supporting newsrooms to practice equitable engagement and build community leadership in order to create a local-news infrastructure that centers community needs.
A call to action from Latinx Coloradans for equitable and just local news.
A bold new report examines ways that Colorado newsrooms can repair past harms and create coverage that captures the joy and power of Latinx communities.
This Black Voices: Colorado report highlights ways that local newsrooms and foundations can better serve and reflect the needs, realities and concerns of Black community members.
Today the Black Voices Working Group is releasing a report that documents ways that Colorado news outlets can repair past harms and foster true media equity.

Our Work on Local Journalism

The future of journalism and the future of our communities are intertwined. News Voices is bringing communities and newsrooms together. Here's how:

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