What Journalists Can Learn from Global Repair Movements

In this second video in Free Press’ Reparative Journalism video series, we study three different social-justice movements and highlight how journalists can incorporate practices of repair into their reporting. We study how truth commissions create space to correct the public record, how #LANDBACK helps us consider what it means to be in “right relationship” with the community around us and how reparations can teach us to investigate the lasting legacy of anti-Blackness in our community infrastructures.
Video Transcript
Select Resources
Journalism's Violent History Requires Repair, Diamond Hardiman
Media 2070: An Invitation to Dream Up Media Reparations, Joseph Torres, Alicia Bell, Collette Watson, Tauhid Chappell, Diamond Hardiman and Christina Pierce, 2020
News for All the People: The Epic Story of Race and the American Media, Juan González and Joseph Torres, 2011