Reparative Journalism: The Healing Power Of Storytelling

In this third video in Free Press’ Reparative Journalism video series, we sit with DaLyah Jones and Tonia Hill, two Black journalists who share their lived experiences of practicing reparative journalism. In our video, DaLyah and Tonia reflect on how their work reclaims the lineage of storytelling. They emphasize how storytelling can shift conditions to create the space necessary to facilitate individual, communal and societal level healing.
Video Transcript
Discussion Guide
Select Resources
Journalism's Violent History Requires Repair, Diamond Hardiman
Media 2070: An Invitation to Dream Up Media Reparations, Joseph Torres, Alicia Bell, Collette Watson, Tauhid Chappell, Diamond Hardiman and Christina Pierce, 2020
News for All the People: The Epic Story of Race and the American Media, Juan González and Joseph Torres, 2011