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Journalists, organizers and the News Voices team are discuss how deep and direct relationships are the key to creating the media we deserve. (2018)
After years of experimenting with how organizing can be used to promote, strengthen and shape local journalism, we developed a guide for newsrooms and reporters.
A toolkit for reporters who want to use the principles and practices of community organizers to deepen trust with communities, uncover underreported stories, and collaboratively identify solutions to local challenges.
A guide for community members who want to have a voice in local journalism. Includes ideas, strategies, and tools.
Runaway consolidation has decimated news outlets across New Jersey. That’s why Free Press Action Fund has been lobbying to pass the Civic Info Bill.
This toolkit showcases best practices of community engagement and provides tips for newsrooms interested in hosting community events.

Our Work on Local Journalism

The future of journalism and the future of our communities are intertwined. News Voices is bringing communities and newsrooms together. Here's how:

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