Free Press’ Craig Aaron and New York Times reporter Cecilia Kang discuss what Facebook and Twitter are doing to govern their platforms leading up to the midterms.
Net Neutrality activists are fighting the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, saying he would favor the wishes of big cable and big telecom.
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed legislation to set aside $5 million for a trailblazing nonprofit group that aims to boost local news coverage in the state.
The FCC's decision to repeal the Net Neutrality rules was "not adequately reasoned" and should be vacated, a coalition of advocacy groups and web companies argue in new court papers.
The filing lays out the states’ arguments in an ongoing lawsuit against the FCC, which is also being fought by Mozilla, Vimeo, Etsy, Free Press, the National Hispanic Media Coalition and several others.
What’s so interesting about the Civic Info Bill is that it acknowledges that journalism is one part of a larger interconnected system that supports democratic life.
Anyone who was expecting Democrats to grill FCC Chairman Ajit Pai over his egregious lies about his agency’s fabricated cyberattack story was deeply disappointed.