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  • Net Neutrality
    Media Control

    Google, Facebook, Netflix, Other Tech Companies Called to Net Neutrality Hearing

    July 26, 2017

    Congress has asked some of the country's largest broadband providers and tech companies to testify at an upcoming hearing about Net Neutrality. Watchdog Free Press Action Fund criticized Rep. Greg Walden for apparently failing to invite small companies or consumer advocates to the hearing.

  • Surveillance and Privacy
    Net Neutrality
    Media Control

    Democratic Lawmakers Blast Trump's FCC for 'Anti-Consumer' Agenda

    July 26, 2017

    Trump’s FCC chief, Ajit Pai, was in the hot seat Tuesday on Capitol Hill. Democratic lawmakers are not happy with President Trump's top telecom regulator, former Verizon lawyer Ajit Pai. And that's putting it mildly.

  • Media Control

    Inside Sinclair: CEO Nixes Fox News Rival Rumors, Talks Tribune & Big Ambition for Broadcast Biz

    July 25, 2017

    It’s hardly surprising that Sinclair would face speculation over its plans for the future. The company is already the nation’s largest owner of TV stations, and it will grow to an unprecedented size if the FCC approves its bid for Tribune Media. And Sinclair has drawn more and more fire from critics — notably HBO’s John Oliver — for the increasingly conservative tilt to its local newscasts through “must-run” commentary segments and coverage decisions mandated at the corporate level.

  • Net Neutrality
    Media Control

    What's a Little Throttling Between Friends?

    July 25, 2017

    I've been thinking about news that surfaced last week around Verizon throttling speeds for video content on its wireless network. Customers reported seeing their speeds capped at about 10 megabits per second for Netflix and YouTube streaming, and some suggested the caps were causing performance issues by degrading video quality.

  • Net Neutrality
    Media Control

    Why Net Neutrality Is a Working-Class Issue

    July 15, 2017

    Make no mistake: Net Neutrality is one of the defining workers’ rights and civil rights issue of our time. We all know the internet is driving changes in culture, politics and the economy. It is also one of the key spaces where workers can organize.

  • Net Neutrality
    Media Control

    Here's What the Internet Could Look Like Without Net Neutrality

    July 14, 2017

    Remember the old days of dial-up, when it could take hours, sometimes days, to load a video clip online? Well, get used it — that could once again be the reality of surfing the web if Net Neutrality regulations are abolished.