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  • Local Journalism

    How to Strengthen Local Journalism? New Brunswick Offers Ideas

    June 2, 2017

    Roughly two dozen journalists, academics, librarians, public-relations professionals and activists attended the Free Press Action Fund gathering, where they broke into two groups and brainstormed how to improve local news in the Garden State.

  • Internet Access
    Surveillance and Privacy
    Media Control

    How Washington Is Throwing Away Its Shot at Protecting Your Privacy

    June 1, 2017

    When Congress killed Federal Communications Commission rules that would stop internet providers from selling your browsing history to advertisers, supporters of that move told upset internet users to cheer up.

  • Internet Access
    Surveillance and Privacy
    Media Control

    How Congress Dismantled Federal Internet Privacy Rules

    May 30, 2017

    Congressional Republicans knew their plan was potentially explosive. They wanted to kill landmark privacy regulations that would soon ban internet providers, such as Comcast and AT&T, from storing and selling customers’ browsing histories without their express consent.

  • Local Journalism

    Samantha Bee Segment Saves New Brunswick Today

    May 25, 2017

    <em>Full Frontal</em> producer Razan Ghalayini called <em>New Brunswick Today</em> after independent news advocates at the national organization Free Press had recommended the paper to the show.

  • Internet Access
    Net Neutrality
    Media Control

    FCC's Mignon Clyburn Takes Net Neutrality to Skid Row

    May 24, 2017

    Tents lined a sidewalk on Los Angeles’ Skid Row in front of a small meeting hall where FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn spoke earlier this month to a group of community activists, a number of them homeless.