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  • Surveillance and Privacy
    Net Neutrality

    How to Fight for Your Rights and Privacy Online

    March 20, 2017

    The future looks grim for digital privacy and the open internet in the United States. Thankfully, there are people who have long been in the fight and are taking active steps to help safeguard our digital rights.

  • Local Journalism

    Windfall Could Transform New Jersey Media

    March 20, 2017

    New Jersey auctioned off a public treasure — several of its public-TV stations — for possibly hundreds of millions of dollars, with little public debate or any idea of what the governor plans to do with the money. But it's not too late to seize this moment and use this money to transform New Jersey into the national leader in digital public media, local journalism and civic technology.

  • Local Journalism

    Sale of New Jersey's Airwaves Could Address Local News Crisis

    March 15, 2017

    There’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rethink how people around New Jersey stay up to date with what’s going on in their communities and the state. The state’s participation in the recently concluded FCC spectrum auction, in which it sold off its old public-TV licenses, is bringing in hundreds of millions in new public revenues.

  • Net Neutrality

    Free Data Isn't Free

    March 13, 2017

    Last Thursday, Verizon proudly announced that it would begin offering "data-free streaming," joining a growing number of carriers that are letting customers stream videos and music from specific services without it counting against monthly usage caps. That might sound like a sweet deal, but it also undermines the basic principles of Net Neutrality.

  • Surveillance and Privacy
    Media Control

    Data for Sale

    March 10, 2017

    Internet privacy rules just got a step closer to being rolled back. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Friday added his name to the list of co-sponsors of a resolution that would undo FCC rules preventing broadband internet providers from collecting certain kinds of customer information.