Net Neutrality advocates are feeling emboldened by the outcry over the GOP’s repeal of internet-privacy regulations, viewing it as an opportunity to harness grassroots support for their cause.
President Trump delivered a major gift to the nation's largest cable and phone companies by signing a bill that kills federal rules designed to protect consumers from broadband-industry privacy abuses.
The Republican push to eliminate Obama-era consumer-data protections is sparking a new national debate over online privacy, and putting internet companies on the defensive.
The Trump’s administration’s campaign to reverse President Obama’s tech-policy moves won’t stop with the vote in the House to shut down internet-privacy regulations.
For reporters on the health beat, the overturning of such protections has consequences. First, it means that reporters’ internet browsing, financial, health and shopping information is less private. Second, it means that patients have fewer online privacy protections.
Federal regulators plan to reverse an Obama-era rule that prevented major television-station owners from buying stations or readily selling themselves, a move that could touch off a wave of deals among media companies.