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WASHINGTON -- On Wednesday, 37 Democratic members of the House of Representatives sent a letter urging Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler to use the agency's clear authority under Title II of the Communications Act to protect the open Internet. They told Chairman Wheeler to reclassify Internet service providers as common carriers to restore Net Neutrality.

The letter was delivered in advance of Thursday's FCC meeting, during which Wheeler is expected to introduce a proposal that undermines the open Internet by allowing Internet service providers to prioritize certain websites and services over others.

"We urge you to adopt strong and enforceable open Internet rules that proactively protect Internet users from unfair practices, including the blockage of lawful traffic or discrimination among content providers," the letter reads. "The FCC cannot protect the open Internet by allowing discrimination."

The letter is available at

Free Press President and CEO Craig Aaron made the following statement:

"It's great to see members of Congress standing up for Internet users and against intense industry pressure and propaganda. They're leading the fight, and joining with the millions of people across the country who have called on Washington to safeguard the open Internet.

"The drumbeat for real Net Neutrality has grown louder every day. For Chairman Wheeler the choice is simple: He can either side with the phone and cable lobby and set in motion the end of an open network that is so vital to so many, or he can stand with the public. He can either abandon President Obama’s pledge to take a back seat to no one on Net Neutrality, or he can get in the driver’s seat."

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