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WASHINGTON -- As Congress gears up for a double-header hearing on Comcast's proposed takeover of NBC, representatives of groups opposed to the takeover are holding a telebriefing for reporters on its harmful impact.

Here are the details:

Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2010, 11 a.m.

Toll-free dial-in for reporters and bloggers: 1-866-635-4010

Conference pass code: 401#


Andrew Jay Schwartzman -- Media Access Project
Kathy Wallman -- WealthTV
Matt Polka -- American Cable Association
Debbie Goldman -- Communications Workers of America
Corie Wright -- Free Press

The telebriefing will include a discussion of the following reasons Congress, the Department of Justice and the FCC should be worried about the anti-competitive, anti-consumer effects of the merger:

  • Skyrocketing cable rates at a time when many Americans are struggling financially
  • Less new, diverse and independent programming
  • A single company controlling premier TV and movie content, as well as access to cable systems, broadcast stations and the Internet
  • Likely price-gouging by Comcast/NBC of rival video distributors (including smaller cable operators, DirecTV and FiOS) by bundling or charging more for desirable NBC programs

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