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WASHINGTON -- The Federal Communications Commission has launched a formal investigation into growing payola scandal at four of the nation's largest radio broadcasters. According to a report in the Los Angeles Times, the FCC has issued "letters of inquiry" seeking documents from Clear Channel Communications, CBS Radio, Entercom Communications and Citadel Broadcasting.

In response to evidence of payola first uncovered by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, Free Press activists sent tens of thousands of letters to FCC Chairman Kevin Martin and the three other FCC Commissioners urging them to "launch a full and thorough investigation into all allegations of payola in the commercial radio industry and hold bad actors accountable."

"Media consolidation has closed off the radio dial to musical variety, silenced independent artists, and ushered in a new wave of payola," said Craig Aaron, communications director of Free Press, the national, nonpartisan media reform group. "It's time the FCC took the first steps toward exposing payola and putting an end to this illegal, shameful practice once and for all. Tens of thousands of concerned citizens have contacted the FCC, calling for a full and thorough investigation. They'll be watching closely to see that big radio executives are held accountable for abusing the public airwaves."

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