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WASHINGTON -- In response to Comcast’s filing at the Federal Communications Commission on its public interest commitments under its proposed takeover of NBC, Free Press Executive Director Josh Silver said, "Comcast's claims that this merger will benefit consumers are positively Orwellian. The company gives little evidence beyond assertions that this merger will produce anything other than job cuts, higher cable bills, fewer independent programmers, and a retreat from public service media.

"Comcast's reputation for customer service ranks about one rung above Enron and Blackwater. The idea that it is magically going to be consumer friendly after it gets bigger doesn't pass the laugh test. Regulators at FCC and the Department of Justice should cut through the rhetoric and put a spotlight on the real problems with this kind of unprecedented media consolidation."

Silver noted that public pressure is building for the government to stop the Comcast takeover of NBC. Since the deal was announced, 24,000 Americans have said they oppose it. Free Press is sending these public complaints to the FCC today, and Congress is scheduled to hold hearings on the proposed takeover on February 4, 2010.

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Read the Free Press fact sheet on Comcast's takeover of NBC:

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