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WASHINGTON – In remarks at the Free Press policy summit on Tuesday, FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn called for public hearings on the proposed Comcast-NBC merger, stressing the importance of a conversation with communities.

“It is crucial that we hear from people about what is most important to them, and to chat with them about why we make the decisions we do,” Clyburn said. “That two-way communication is essential to good governance. What value will hearings outside the Beltway bring? First and foremost, they will force the Commission to interact and see up-close how Americans feel about the merger.”

Free Press Policy Counsel Corie Wright echoed this call today.

“We applaud Commissioner Clyburn for supporting public inclusion in the FCC’s merger review process. Ultimately, the impact of a deal between Comcast and NBCU will be felt by consumers at the local level. The communities that will be most affected by the proposed merger must have a chance to weigh in and have their voices heard by the Commissioners.

“If the merger is approved, this new media giant would combine the largest residential provider of cable television and internet access, a major television network, 26 broadcast television stations, 17 cable network properties, several local sports media properties, as well as a Hollywood movie studio and production houses.”

The deadline for initial comments to the FCC on the Comcast-NBC merger is June 21.

Link to video of Commissioner Clyburn’s remarks calling for hearings on Comcast/NBC:

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