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WASHINGTON -- The economic stimulus package passed by Congress allocates $7.2 billion for broadband and includes open Internet conditions. The majority of the funds, $4.35 billion, will be distributed as grants through the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program at the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

All broadband deployment projects under the NTIA program are to be completed within two years of the award and must adhere to the Federal Communications Commission's Internet nondiscrimination and openness principles. Though there are no specific speed requirements, the NTIA is directed to promote projects that will "provide the greatest broadband speed possible."

The legislation includes funding for computers in community centers and schools, and it invests in programs that promote increased broadband adoption in low-income communities. It also directs the FCC to produce a "national broadband plan" that makes recommendations to Congress on how to ensure the universal adoption of affordable broadband services.

S. Derek Turner, research director of Free Press, issued the following statement:

"The broadband stimulus package is a clear sign that Congress is committed to connecting our country and maintaining an open Internet. These funds will provide a much-needed shot in the arm to those communities still stuck on the wrong side of the digital divide.

"The nondiscrimination condition indicates strong congressional support for Net Neutrality. Its inclusion in the stimulus bill means that the question is no longer if Net Neutrality will be made the law of the land -- it's when.

"Accountability will be key in protecting broadband funds from waste and abuse. We look forward to working with federal agencies to make sure that these grants target money toward new investments in fast, open networks."


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