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WASHINGTON -- Today, the House passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan, legislation that places important speed and openness conditions on new broadband networks to be built with billions in public dollars.

Earlier today, the Senate Appropriations Committee made its version of the stimulus bill public. While the Senate bill does not include any speed requirements, it does mandate that networks built with stimulus funds must adhere to "non-discrimination and network inter-connection obligations."

Ben Scott, policy director of Free Press, issued the following statement:

"We applaud the House for adopting legislation that recognizes the crucial role broadband will play in revitalizing our economy. This is a down payment on our digital future.

"We're encouraged that both the House and Senate bills acknowledge that we simply cannot afford to hand over billions in taxpayer funds with no strings attached. The government is an investor, not a charity. To maximize stimulus dollars, Congress must ensure that these networks are open, fast, competitive and built to last.

"The open Internet is a proven economic engine. It stimulates broadband demand, spurs innovative industries and puts Americans to work. The openness conditions passed by the House and included in the Senate bill are a positive step forward and signal that Congress is committed to promoting the open Internet."


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