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WASHINGTON -- Last night, Free Press, Consumer Federation of America and Consumers Union filed the attached Further Comments addressing FCC Chairman Kevin Martin's policy proposal by press release that would relax the longstanding newspaper/broadcast cross-ownership ban.

From the summary:

"We meet this arbitrary deadline of Dec. 11 under protest. This proposal is a post-it note conclusion to one of the most complex, controversial and important public policies the Commission has made in many years.

"Unless Chairman Martin remedies procedural flaws, eliminates dangerous and vague exceptions, and thoroughly expands meaningful minority ownership and local programming needs, his plan will not serve the public interest or meet minimum legal fairness requirements for FCC rules.

"The Commission should offer a Further Notice that explains, defines and defends its new rule in a cogent and intellectually consistent manner. Only then can such a rule be expected to win the confidence of the public and stand the tests of time and judicial scrutiny."

Read the filing:

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