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WASHINGTON – Free Press, the national media reform group, today called on Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell to veto a bill that would prevent local communities in the state from providing broadband Internet services that compete with private companies.

Companies such as Verizon heavily lobbied the Pennsylvania legislature to pass the measure, which would effectively quash efforts in Philadelphia to provide citywide wireless Internet access at little or no charge. The bill passed the Republican-controlled state Senate early Friday morning, and a similar bill has already passed the state House.

“This is a prime example of legislating against the public interest and in favor of corporate monopolies,” said Josh Silver, executive director of Free Press. “High-priced lobbyists and pliable legislators must not be allowed to take away affordable, universal Internet access from average citizens without any public input.”

The Pennsylvania legislation represents a continuation of a national industry effort to write broadband monopolies into law before more municipalities recognize the possibilities of low-cost, public community wireless systems. Similar bills designed to thwart competition around this emerging technology or municipally provided, affordable access to the Internet have been introduced in nearly a dozen states nationwide: Florida, Texas, Arkansas, Nebraska, Nevada, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia and Washington.

“Access to the Internet is fast becoming a necessity, not a luxury,” Silver said. “The airwaves are a public utility, and Philadelphia’s proposed Wi-Fi venture is no different than a city providing water or electric systems to all citizens. If Verizon gets its way, consumers will be saddled with higher prices and poorer service.”

For more information on the benefits of community wireless see

Free Press ( is a national, non-partisan organization that seeks to increase informed public participation in media policy and to promote a more competitive, public interest-oriented media system. Free Press was founded by University of Illinois professor, media scholar and author Robert McChesney.

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