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WASHINGTON -- Today, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin announced his intention to investigate blocking of peer-to-peer file-sharing services by Comcast and other Internet service providers.

In early November, the Coalition and Internet scholars at the nation's top law schools filed a petition and complaint with the FCC calling for urgent action to stop ISPs from interfering with consumer access to the software and content of their choice.

Marvin Ammori, general counsel of Free Press, issued the following statement:

"We are encouraged by the Chairman's statements today about investigating Comcast's blocking of peer-to-peer traffic. We hope the Chairman's statements, made two months after we filed our complaint, will lead to immediate and accelerated action at the FCC on the critical issue of whether Comcast, AT&T and other Internet service providers can block the services people want to use. The FCC must stop these would-be gatekeepers and fine companies that censor the free flow of information."

Read about Chairman Martin's remarks:

Learn more about the Comcast complaint:

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