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WASHINGTON -- Yesterday, the Federal Communications Commission published a "Report and Order" that makes sweeping changes to the way it collects data concerning the deployment and adoption of broadband technologies.

S. Derek Turner, research director of Free Press and author of several reports on U.S. broadband policies, made the following statement:

"We applaud Chairman Martin and the FCC for making these important improvements to the agency's broadband data-gathering practices. This is one of those rare instances where reason, logic and the desire to act in the public interest triumphed over the narrow special interests of big business.

"The growing digital divide between the United States and the rest of the world has severe consequences that will resonate for generations. Better broadband data is the foundation of better broadband policy. This critical new data will give policymakers the detailed information about broadband deployment, adoption and competition that they need to get us back on the path to recovery. We are especially pleased that the FCC moved quickly to reconsider and modify the order to distinguish between residential and business broadband services.

"This invaluable information is a crucial step toward realizing the social and economic benefits of new technologies, faster speeds and lower prices. But there is still more work to do. We look forward to working with the FCC to achieve the goal of universal, affordable broadband."

Read the Report and Order:

Read Free Press' initial broadband data comments:

Read Free Press' reply comments:


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