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WASHINGTON -- Cablevision and ABC/Disney are locked in a dispute over the rights of the cable company to carry local programming. The dispute is the latest of several recent showdowns between cable companies and big programmers over what is called "retransmission consent," and it could result in 3.1 million Cablevision subscribers in New York, New Jersey and parts of Connecticut losing access to ABC’s local programming.

Free Press Policy Director Ben Scott said, "The Federal Communications Commission should monitor this situation closely and encourage both parties to keep ABC content flowing to consumers until the dispute is resolved. These kinds of disputes between cable and broadcasters should not result in consumers losing access to local programming.

"Senator John Kerry and other lawmakers are right to keep the pressure on the companies -- and on the FCC -- to put consumers first. If local content disappears from consumers' television screens, then the market is failing. If negotiations break down to the point of intractability, the FCC should be able to step in and facilitate fair arbitration. Transparency in pricing and consumer control over content choices should be the guiding principles going forward to help resolve these disputes."

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