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CHICAGO -- As part of this week's YearlyKos Convention in Chicago, Free Press is convening a roundtable discussion with FCC Commissioner Michael Copps on the future of the media -- from broadcast to broadband.

WHAT: "A View from Washington: Winning a Better Media for Everyone"
WHEN: Thursday, Aug. 2, 2:00 p.m.
WHERE: YearlyKos Convention, McCormick Place Convention Center, Room 401 a-c, Chicago
WHO: FCC Commissioner Michael Copps, media reform advocates, netroots activists

Commissioner Copps will explore how the netroots can work with Washington policymakers and public interest advocates to create more democratic media polices. His remarks will be followed by a moderated question-and-answer session.

Information about obtaining press credentials for the YearlyKos Convention can be found at


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