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WASHINGTON – Late Thursday, Senators Joe Lieberman, Susan Collins, Jay Rockefeller, Dianne Feinstein, and Tom Carper introduced a new version of their cybersecurity legislation, which could come to the Senate floor as soon as next week. Free Press Action Fund joined with other prominent civil liberties organizations and digital rights groups like the American Civil Liberties Union, Electronic Frontier Foundation and others in May 2012, voicing concerns about the information sharing regime established by the previous version of the Lieberman-Collins bill.

Free Press Action Fund Policy Director Matt Wood made the following statement:

"We are glad to learn that there are substantial improvements in the bill, with significant new provisions designed to limit its potential impact on privacy, civil liberties and Internet openness. Without passing judgment on the bill as a whole or further changes that should be made to strengthen it, we welcome the tremendous progress made thus far."

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