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WASHINGTON -- On Thursday, a bipartisan letter from 42 members of the House of Representatives urged congressional leadership to keep prime wireless spectrum available for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and other innovative new technologies.

The letter led by Rep. Anna Eshoo, the ranking member on the House’s Subcommittee on Communications and Technology, and Rep. Darrell Issa, went to members of the conference committee negotiating payroll tax cut extensions. The spectrum legislation may be folded into that larger bill.

Free Press Action Fund Policy Director Matt Wood made the following statement:

"Innovation and Internet openness are bipartisan issues. We thank Representatives Eshoo and Issa for recognizing that fact, along with all the other signers willing to stand up for smart spectrum policy. This letter amplifies messages delivered in the last few weeks by Senators Kerry, Snowe, Cantwell, Warner and Moran. It counteracts the dangerous notion that the FCC should ignore the tremendous economic benefits of unlicensed spectrum and sell off every last bit of this valuable resource to the highest bidders.

"Unlicensed spectrum is key to protecting consumer choice, spurring growth and fostering competition in the use of wireless devices. Congress must preserve the FCC's ability to make the public airwaves available to all members of the public — consumers, entrepreneurs, startups and incumbent wireless providers large and small — in any spectrum legislation it passes."

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