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WASHINGTON -- On Monday, Rep. Ed Markey will introduce a discussion draft of a bill aimed at giving cellphone users more information on the monitoring software that may exist on their phones. The bill would also require disclosure of how any data that software collects is used and shared. The proposal follows the discovery last fall that Carrier IQ software was installed on cellphones to log and track user information.

Free Press Action Fund Political Adviser Joel Kelsey made the following statement:

“Wireless users deserve to know what’s happening with their phones. Third-party companies with no relationship to the consumer must not be allowed to collect or sell user data under a veil of secrecy.

“Rep. Markey’s bill is a common-sense solution to privacy concerns all consumers worry about. This legislation would require companies involved with monitoring a mobile phone’s actions and movements to disclose their practices to the consumer and ask for permission before they start collecting and selling that user’s information.

“We wholeheartedly support this measure and look forward to working with the congressman and his staff to help move this bill forward.”

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