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WASHINGTON -- On Friday, the House of Representatives voted 240 to 179 to overturn the Federal Communications Commission’s Net Neutrality rules, adopted in December. The bill would rescind the FCC’s ability to protect Internet users and would let the largest phone and cable companies discriminate against content, applications and services at will. President Obama has indicated he would veto this legislation.

Incoming president and CEO of the Free Press Action Fund Craig Aaron made the following statement:

“It is simply stunning that some members in the House are so out of touch with reality, or so beholden to the biggest phone and cable companies, that they would choose to move forward with this dangerous overreach that would fundamentally alter the future of the Internet. This bill would only hurt small business and innovators, slow the economic recovery and stall job growth. It would endanger the free and open Internet as we know it and leave the FCC unable to enforce even the most watered-down rules. The House leadership is dead set upon rolling back fundamental protections and allowing Internet users to be nickel-and-dimed, throttled and blocked from creating their own experience on the Web. Some in Congress seem oblivious to the fact that by voting to remove minimal Net Neutrality protections, they are destroying the Internet as a platform for innovation, growth and the free exchange of ideas.”

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