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WASHINGTON — Wireless carriers and device manufacturers use software "locks" to keep people from taking their phone with them when they switch providers. This practice makes it difficult for consumers to change their wireless plans in an easy and cost-effective way, locking them into long-term contracts even when they might get better service and cheaper prices from a different carrier.

This anti-consumer practice gained steam last year when the Librarian of Congress decided to make cellphone unlocking illegal even in instances when customers' contracts with their wireless providers had ended.  Today the Obama administration — in response to a popular petition — said we should legalize unlocking, and protect consumers' freedom.

Free Press Action Fund Policy Director Matt Wood made the following statement:

"Wireless providers exercise too much control over our communications already, reaping enormous profits while tightening their grip over our devices whenever they can. We applaud the Obama administration's call to reverse the outrageous rule put forward by the Librarian of Congress last year. The White House is on record now, offering its support for a range of ways to fix this problem. Congress should take up the challenge and stand up for wireless freedom."


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