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WASHINGTON -- In response to the FCC's decision to reschedule its vote on the merger of AT&T and Bell South, Free Press Policy Director Ben Scott made the following statement:

"Free Press applauds FCC Commissioners Michael Copps and Jonathan Adelstein for their principled defense of the public interest in considering the AT&T-BellSouth merger. They've ensured that there will be greater transparency and more time for the public to analyze proposals from AT&T and BellSouth before the FCC votes on this deal.

"Protecting consumers should be the FCC's No. 1 priority. AT&T's $78 billion union with BellSouth will create a network giant that controls nearly half of all telephone land lines in the United States and dominates the broadband market in much of the country.

"In a merger of such size and consequence, the FCC must apply high public interest standards and appropriate conditions. In the past 48 hours, more than 20,000 people have sent comments to the FCC opposing approval of the merger unless it includes significant conditions -- including permanent protection for Network Neutrality."


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