Free Press Applauds Nomination of Alvaro Bedoya to FTC

WASHINGTON — According to press reports, President Biden intends to nominate Professor Alvaro Bedoya of Georgetown Law School as a commissioner at the Federal Trade Commission. Bedoya, who is the founding director of the Center for Privacy and Technology, is also a former member of the Free Press board of directors.
Free Press President and CEO Craig Aaron made the following statement:
“Alvaro Bedoya is a stellar choice for the Federal Trade Commission. A brilliant thinker and accomplished advocate on privacy and technology issues, he will bring valuable expertise and vision to this role. He is someone who will push for smart and bold policies at this reinvigorated agency and ensure that the impacts and needs of immigrants and communities of color are a priority. He has long been a trusted and strategic ally across the public-interest community, skills that will serve him well in this new role. The Senate should move as quickly as possible to confirm him and ensure that the FTC can work at full strength to advance its work, which has never been more important.”