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WASHINGTON -- Free Press today praised Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) for introducing legislation to improve the quality of broadband data collected across the United States. The "Broadband Data Improvement Act" (S. 1492) would direct federal agencies to measure the availability, speed and value of U.S. broadband and authorize funding for state initiatives that improve the availability and accessibility of high-speed Internet services.

Co-sponsored by Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.), Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.), Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Mark Pryor (D-Ark.), and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), this bill addresses the gaps in broadband data exposed by consumer groups at a Commerce Committee hearing last month. Free Press Policy Director Ben Scott issued the following statement:

"Free Press applauds Chairman Inouye for taking this critical first step toward a comprehensive national broadband policy that benefits consumers. The Broadband Data Improvement Act promises to provide us with the precise information we need to make affordable, high-speed broadband available to all Americans.

"With this bill, we would finally be able to answer key questions the Federal Communications Commission has ignored for too long. We would have granular data about broadband availability, adoption, cost and speed at a local level across the country. This information is invaluable. It would help our communities realize the social and economic benefits of new technologies, faster speeds and lower prices.

"This important legislation would bring us one step closer to our goal of universal, affordable broadband access and adoption. We value Chairman Inouye's commitment to broadband competition policy and urge both the Senate and the House to move this bill forward with all deliberate speed."

To read the bill, visit

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