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WASHINGTON -- Today, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile and Google responded to an inquiry from the Federal Communications Commission about high early termination fees.

M. Chris Riley, policy counsel of Free Press, made the following statement:

"Here’s what we know: Wireless bills are too high, and they come saddled with higher hidden fees and penalties; service quality is mediocre at best; and wireless companies are neither reducing prices nor investing enough in improved networks. The information provided today by the wireless carriers is completely inadequate for the FCC to resolve these excessive and unfair early termination fees plaguing consumers.

"If the carriers are not voluntarily going to provide more information to the FCC about their real costs and why fees are so high, then the time has come for the FCC to move forward on more consumer-friendly policies. Free Press recommends that the FCC take the next step and move ahead with a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on truth in billing. The carrot doesn’t seem to be helping -- now it’s time for the stick."

Read the letters on early termination fees here

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