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WASHINGTON -- Today Comcast, the nation’s largest cable company, announced it is appealing the Federal Communications Commission’s order punishing the cable giant for blocking Internet users' access to legal online content. The order, approved by a bipartisan majority on Aug. 1, requires Comcast to stop its ongoing practice of blocking Internet content by the end of the year and disclose all past and future "network management" practices.

The Communications Act has long established the FCC's legal authority to promote competition, consumer choice and diverse information across all communications platforms. In 2005, the FCC unanimously adopted an "Internet Policy Statement" explicitly guaranteeing Internet users the right to access the lawful content, applications and services of their choice.

Last fall, the Associated Press caught Comcast secretly blocking users' legal peer-to-peer traffic, calling the company's practice the "most drastic example yet of data discrimination." In response, Free Press and Public Knowledge filed a complaint, triggering the first test case of the FCC's policy statement. This order concludes the FCC's exhaustive months-long investigation, which included two public hearings at Harvard and Stanford universities and more than 50,000 public comments.

Ben Scott, policy director of Free Press, issued the following statement:

"Comcast's appeal is predictable -- the cable giant has a long history of appealing any decision it doesn't like. The FCC is well within its authority to protect the open Internet, either by adopting rules or acting on complaints.

"Presented with an open-and-shut case that Comcast was secretly blocking Internet traffic, the FCC took action on behalf of Internet users everywhere. All the FCC required was for Comcast to disclose the details of its secret blocking and tell the FCC how it will end this harmful practice.

"The future of the Internet is too important to let Comcast tie it up in legal limbo. Congress should act now to pass Net Neutrality laws that clear up any uncertainty once and for all."


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