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WASHINGTON -- According to news reports, Comcast may soon move one step closer toward taking a controlling interest in NBC Universal. Shareholders of Vivendi, which owns 20 percent of NBC Universal, are expected to meet on Wednesday to consider selling their stake in the company.

A sale by Vivendi would open the door to a deal in which Comcast would take over 51 percent of the company, and General Electric Co. would control 49 percent. If consummated, the deal would create a massive new entity with immense power over TV, online content and access to that content. Comcast is the largest cable company and the second-largest Internet service provider in the United States; NBC Universal has a huge stake in television, film, cable and TV programming, and in Hulu, one of the largest online video services.

Josh Silver, executive director of Free Press, made the following statement:

"The idea of this mega-merger raises many troubling questions regarding media concentration, competition and the public interest. The union of Comcast and NBC Universal would create a juggernaut large enough to dictate what programming U.S. consumers can watch, and whether independent and diverse viewpoints will be heard on the largest cable systems and on the Internet. The Department of Justice and the Federal Communications Commission must scrutinize the proposal to ensure that antitrust laws are enforced and that the public interest is protected. If Comcast pursues this deal, there will be deafening opposition from Free Press and the public."

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