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WASHINGTON -- Today, Federal Communications Commissioner Mignon L. Clyburn delivered an inspiring speech at Howard University on the importance of Net Neutrality and broadband access.

Joe Torres, government relations manager for Free Press, said, "Commissioner Clyburn was right on target today when she said that without Net Neutrality, the digital divide could soon expand into -- in her words, 'a digital canyon.' We appreciate her dedication and hard work to bring Net Neutrality and broadband access to all Americans and especially to people of color. Her speech today was an inspiration to all of us who are working for Net Neutrality."

Here are selections from Commissioner Clyburn’s speech:

"In today’s fast-changing world, broadband is not a luxury, but rather, it is a necessity, a must-have. Need a job? You’ll have to go online for that. Want to manage your energy consumption at home? You’ll have to go online for that. .... Ladies and gentlemen, our country’s broadband express -- and yes, it is an express -- is leaving the station. And for those who don't have a ticket, they will be left standing at the gate."

"Broadband’s key promise for people of color in particular is economic empowerment. For the first time, there are no immediate and overwhelming barriers to entry for upstart businessmen and women or 'cyberpreneurs.' Broadband has opened avenues never dreamed possible by those in challenged communities."

"....we are faced with one of those rare moments in time where a sea change is actually possible for groups that have traditionally been marginalized by the structure of the communications marketplace. We are on the cusp of a truly transformative moment. For far too long, women and minorities have struggled mightily to get a foothold as owners of our nation’s primary means of communications."

"I believe in smart regulation, which is why, for example, we have begun a process that will account for reasonable network management. But I hope we can work together to create strong rules that do not cede control of the most significant communications advancement in our lifetimes. By sitting this one out, or worse, by throwing up roadblocks that will enable what is now 'our' Internet to become 'their' Internet, we simply would be reinstating the very kinds of imbalanced structures that we have been attempting for decades to dismantle in other contexts."

Copy of FCC Commissioner Clyburn's prepared remarks:

Copy of a fact sheet on Net Neutrality:

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