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WASHINGTON – Free Press today congratulated Comcast for the dubious distinction of being dubbed the “Worst Company in America” by the readers of

In announcing the award, pointed to Comcast's "horrendous service, exorbitant costs, throttled internet and plans to acquire NBC Universal" as key factors in this year's results. It seems that Comcast's proposed merger with NBC Universal was the final straw for consumers across the country.

Free Press Program Manager Josh Stearns said:

“Our heartfelt congratulations go out to Comcast for their big win. The cable giant really went out of their way this year, and finally won the right to be called the Worst Company in America. Comcast has been a runner-up in the past, but the idea of them getting even bigger was clearly too much for people to take.”

In honor of Comcast’s achievement, Free Press has placed advertisements congratulating them in Washington newspapers. The ad’s tagline reads: “Think it can’t get any worse? Stop Comcast’s Takeover of NBC.”

Read’s blog about Comcast: here

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