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WASHINGTON -- Today, Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Va.), chairman of the House Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the Internet, sent letters expressing his concerns about the adverse effects of the proposed Comcast-NBC Universal merger on competition and consumers to Assistant Attorney General Christine Varney and Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski. Rep. Boucher specifically addressed the merger’s impact on the emerging online video market.

The letters urge the reviewing agencies to impose several merger conditions designed to prevent Comcast-NBC from leveraging its combined power to limit consumer access to online video content. However, Rep. Boucher added that the reviewing agencies should not impose conditions related to the open Internet, indicating that Congress was preparing legislation to address the issue for all Internet service providers.

Free Press Policy Counsel Corie Wright issued the following statement:

“Free Press commends Rep. Boucher for his attention to the all-too-real threats this merger poses to the emerging online video market.

“While we also share his goal for Net Neutrality rules that apply to all broadband service providers, if this merger is approved and these important provisions are not in place, consumers will be left at the mercy of the merged company, which would have increased incentive and ability to prioritize its own content and distribution platforms over that of competitors. Without adequate Net Neutrality provisions in place, the reviewing agencies should not approve the merger.

"The FCC has applied open network conditions to previous transactions, including the AT&T-BellSouth merger in 2006, and to the winners of the 700 MHz spectrum auction. These protections helped to preserve the open Internet status quo across the broader market, while promoting investment and innovation.”

Link to Rep. Boucher’s website with letters:

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