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WASHINGTON -- In a speech today at the Newseum, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called on all nations to maintain a free and open Internet.

Free Press Executive Director Josh Silver made the following statement:

"Free Press applauds Secretary Clinton for her leadership and for her efforts to encourage Internet freedom worldwide. Our own government needs to step up and protect an open Internet here at home by preserving Network Neutrality. Our moral authority as a world leader stems from our vibrant democracy, which is predicated on the openness of civic communication. Network Neutrality means no corporate censorship and no government censorship. How can we encourage freedom abroad when it has not been defended in our own communications infrastructure? Without badly needed U.S. government action to maintain freedom on the Internet, our great democracy is at risk.

"Without U.S. government action on Network Neutrality, phone and cable companies could decide to block or delay content on the Internet. They have done it before, and we need to know that they will not be allowed to do it again."

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