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WASHINGTON – On Monday, Free Press sent a letter to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski in response to reports that the FCC may be reconsidering harmful and unjustified changes to the longstanding ban on one company owning broadcast stations and a daily newspaper in the same market. The rule changes initially adopted in 2007 under former FCC Chairman Kevin Martin would have permitted more media concentration and undermined the FCC’s ability to promote competition, localism and diversity in local markets.

Free Press President and CEO Craig Aaron made the following statement:

“There is overwhelming opposition by the public, congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle, and the courts to attempts by the FCC to relax its media ownership rules. The so-called Martin Rule was bad policy when it was adopted in 2007, and it has not improved with age.

“We hope that the FCC is not embarking on the 2010 Review having predetermined that it will allow further consolidation along the lines of the failed policies of the previous administration. The FCC should be promoting competitive, diverse and independent local media — not wasting time trying to revive bad policies of the Bush years.”

A copy of the letter is available here:

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