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WASHINGTON – In a House Appropriations Committee hearing Wednesday, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski was questioned about the agency's authority over broadband, and it was suggested that the FCC wait for Congress to pass a law outlining its oversight powers.

S. Derek Turner, Free Press research director, made the following statement:

“The FCC’s plan to restore its authority over broadband is not a plan to ‘regulate the Internet.’ It is a protection of the status quo and the first step toward ensuring that the FCC can protect Internet users and carry out key parts of its agenda, including implementation of the National Broadband Plan. Congress has always intended the FCC to be the government agency overseeing communications services, and this plan simply furthers that goal.

“It is disappointing that one lone congressman, Rep. John Culberson of Texas, would continue to echo falsehoods, propogated by AT&T and other opponents of even minimal FCC oversight, about the FCC’s plan. It is clear from this hearing that the Commission has support from the majority of the Committee, and the assertions that Congress needs to clarify the FCC’s authority are completely wrong. The Communications Act clearly affirms the FCC's power to determine how best to protect consumers, and the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Brand X case found that the FCC has the ability to designate broadband transmission as a telecommunications service.

“Congressional leaders, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Jay Rockefeller and Rep. Henry Waxman, support the FCC and have already instructed Chairman Julius Genachowski to take the necessary steps to ensure that the agency can carry out its agenda.”

Read The Truth About the Third Way: Separating Fact from Fiction in the FCC Reclassification Debate for more background on the FCC’s proposal and the myths surrounding its authority.


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