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WASHINGTON -- On Thursday, the Federal Communications Commission announced a new initiative to "Examine the Future of Media and Information Needs of Communities in a Digital Age."

Josh Silver, executive director of Free Press, made the following statement:

"This is an important endeavor. The government has a critical role to play ensuring that communities have a vibrant Fourth Estate to hold government and corporate leaders accountable. And this FCC initiative is an opportunity to engage journalists, educators and everyday citizens in crafting the policies we need to support quality journalism.

"It is vital that policymakers recognize the connection between years of media consolidation and threats to local news production. Unfortunately, when media companies merge in order to supersize their profits, they tend to downsize their employees -- including the journalists responsible for telling citizens what’s happening in their communities.

"In examining newsgathering in the digital age, the government needs to consider the impact of its own media policies on serious newsgathering and reporting."

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