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WASHINGTON – Today, Free Press launched “Corruption Road: How Corporate Money and Astroturf Pollute Media Policy,” a new tool that illustrates the millions of dollars being funneled from the major phone and cable companies into Washington’s economy of influence.

Free Press Campaign Director Timothy Karr issued the following statement:

“In Washington, money equals power, and with this tool, we can see how AT&T, Comcast and Verizon’s money is being used to kill public interest policies like Net Neutrality. Ultimately, their goal is to turn Washington against the common sense idea that the FCC should have a role in preserving the open Internet, protecting consumers’ rights and fostering universal access to broadband. If their misinformation campaign succeeds, the open and affordable Internet will be in serious danger.

“Industries spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year on armies of lobbyists to defeat affordable health care, environmental protections, banking reform and countless other essential public interest protections. They secretly fund dozens of ‘astroturf’ front groups to parrot their talking points and create fake opposition to good public policy. Now they are strong-arming members of Congress to call sound communications policies a ‘government takeover of the Internet.’ It’s the same pattern with nearly every important issue, and it must stop.

“We can’t stand by while the big phone and cable companies try to kill the policies that we need to protect the Internet.”

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