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WASHINGTON -- Today, the Wall Street Journal reported that Internet giant Google intends to abandon Net Neutrality and create a fast lane for its own content.

In a blog post last night, Google disputed these allegations, maintaining, "Google remains strongly committed to the principle of Net Neutrality, and we will continue to work with policymakers in the years ahead to keep the Internet free and open."

Josh Silver, executive director of Free Press, issued the following statement:

"With the strong support of President-elect Barack Obama and the new Congress, this is the moment when Net Neutrality has its greatest appeal, clearest need and best chance of becoming law.

"We are skeptical that Google is truly engaged in a nefarious plot to undermine the open Internet -- the company denies it, and we look forward to all of the facts coming to light. If Google or any other company is planning to secretly violate Net Neutrality, they will find themselves facing the same vigorous opposition from the Internet community against those -- like Comcast and AT&T -- that have threatened the open Internet.

"President-elect Obama gets it. His use of the Internet in his campaign is now legendary. Obama's support for Net Neutrality -- both through his policy agenda and public statements that he will take a backseat to no one -- is among the clearest and most straightforward we have from any politician.

"Net Neutrality is much bigger than Google. It is bigger than any one company. It is about every Internet user and the power to choose what to do online without permission or influence from Google, Comcast, the government or anyone else. The simple value of a user-controlled Internet is why Net Neutrality is not going away."

Read the blog post:

Read Obama's tech agenda:

Read 2009 Media & Tech Priorities: A Public Interest Agenda:


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