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WASHINGTON -- Today, the Federal Communications Commission released its cross-ownership order passed in a 3-2 party-line vote on Dec. 18. These new rules allow one company to own both a newspaper and a broadcast station in the same media market.

Josh Silver, executive director of Free Press, issued the following statement:

"Despite Chairman Kevin Martin's claims, his new rules are anything but 'modest.' The special waivers in today's order granted to companies like Media General and Gannett illustrate that the FCC is not serious about enforcing its own rules. Every local market in this country is now fair game in this new era of unfettered media consolidation.

"Given that it took the agency over a month to finally release the order, the Commission's hasty rush to judgment on December 18th is baffling. Chairman Martin owes an explanation to the members of Congress and groups -- liberal and conservative -- that urged the FCC to give this critical decision more time.

"We look to Congress and the courts to overturn these disastrous new rules."

Read the FCC's cross-ownership order:

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