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WASHINGTON -- Late Monday, the Federal Communications Commission announced that it would combine its reviews of AT&T’s proposed takeover of T-Mobile and AT&T's acquisition of spectrum licenses from Qualcomm. Free Press, along with Media Access Project, Public Knowledge, Consumers Union and the Open Technology Initiative of the New America Foundation, asked the FCC to combine the reviews in April.

Free Press Policy Director Matt Wood made the following statement:

“We applaud the FCC’s decision to consider these transactions together. AT&T already has enormous market share, and it is essential to weigh the T-Mobile merger alongside its plans to swallow up Qualcomm's spectrum. We hope the FCC takes into account the serious harm that will be done to innovation, competition and consumers by both acquisitions and rejects these transactions outright. We know how bad Ma Bell was, but Ma Cell will be even worse if the FCC doesn't step in."

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