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WASHINGTON -- Responding to reports that T-Mobile is planning to abandon Net Neutrality for mobile video, Free Press Political Adviser Joel Kelsey said:

“If this report is accurate, T-Mobile is planning to create a pay-to-play network and actively interfere with its subscribers’ choices. For all those who believe Network Neutrality is a solution in search of a problem, this should serve as an omen.

“Users shouldn’t have to worry about which application made a deal with which wireless provider before they decide where to sign up for service. Everyone should be able to access any application or website of their choice over the Internet, regardless of whether they’re connecting with a cord or a wireless card.

“When subscribers sign up for service, they want their network to move data -- not to choose which companies are wealthy enough to buy access to subscribers. Without vital Net Neutrality protections, companies with commercial incentive to limit the free-flowing Web, like T-Mobile, Verizon and Comcast, can decide who will have a voice online. These companies should not have the power to determine anyone’s fate on the Internet.”

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