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Responding to announcements Wednesday that Republicans in both the House and Senate introduced resolutions to reverse Net Neutrality rules adopted by the Federal Communications Commission in December, Free Press Political Adviser Joel Kelsey made the following statement:

“We are extremely disappointed that members of Congress have chosen to attack the FCC’s limited Net Neutrality rules. This resolution would remove the FCC’s ability to protect free speech online, and place a few large companies in charge of deciding what consumers can or can’t do on the Internet. Undoing the FCC’s rules is akin to putting BP in charge of protecting our oceans or Goldman Sachs in charge of protecting the nation’s economy. Congress should be working to improve Net Neutrality policies, not revoke them, so that Comcast, AT&T and Verizon don’t get to run the Internet like it’s their private ATM, and we’re the ones handing over the cash.”

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